This site is run entirely in your browser. All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection. However, your browser does need to support JavaScript and have it turned on (this is the default for most browsers). We strive to make sure this site operates as expected in as many browsers as possible.

Fully Supported Browsers 
Firefox 20 & up 
Internet Explorer 9  & up
Google Chrome 20 & up
Safari 6.0 & up

If you notice any issues while using this site please report it here.It would also be helpful if you could send us what Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux) and browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) you are using. If you're not sure how to get this information, try visiting this site. It will print out all of the information we need. Once you get there, you can export the details as a CSV or PDF file, or just copy and paste them into your ticket.